The “Blues Brothers Rebooted” show is an exciting hyperactive production that pays tribute to both the unforgettable and infectious style of soul music and a faithful recreation of those 2 soul brothers who donned the Black hats, dark shades and created what is now a musical institution “The Blues Brothers” Rebooted.
This High energy, fun and polished presentation features the finest soul, rhythm and blues classics by such artists as Solomon Burke, Sam & Dave and Wilson Pickett.
Blues Brothers Rebooted have played sold out shows in some of Sydney’s finest venues including The Basement, The Vanguard, Lizottes, Auditoriums across NSW and multiple cruise liners around the world.
Backed by some of Sydney’s top musicians Shane Peters (Jake) and Christian Clackson (Elwood) take to the stage and recreate an authentic tribute to the Blues Brothers featuring all the songs, all the moves and all that energy and excitement that you will love and remember from that classic 1980 film which has cemented their music, look and legacy for over 30 years.
Blues Brothers Rebooted are performers that deliver a highly entertaining experience that will satisfy people of all ages and musical tastes.
March 19, 2023 @ 4:00 pm
The Hoey Moey,
84 Ocean Parade,
Coffs Harbour NSW 2450